Sunday, November 1, 2009

Insights from the blogger's subconscious mind.
Refined automatic writing transcript. By Simon Lee Baird
Imagine growing to an amazing fulfilment of desire, and as it unfolds, in no way take into consideration diagnostic suggestions (Reason). While we all fall in the avenue of disbelief of this possibility, we are not capable of comprehending the aspects of fascination within the philosophy that searches beyond time space and this universe. How can we ever understand what and who we are when we find ourselves lost in the intangible complexity of this reality? Have we ever experienced life on the inside of our personality with nothing less than pure love dispersed within the structure of time?
What about the destruction of our most inspiring delegation to the pier of determination that lie at the end of the bay of discontent? (Adventure). What about the characteristics of humanity that have perished beyond recognition to the point of oblivious detachment? Let us join in the co creation of the worldly ones to enhance the perceived journey to our ultimate evolution of mind that is the eternal recognition of all that is. It is not our intention to frighten those that seek truth. Only, that they come to a place of understanding in that regard.
Open your minds to us and let the power of the sleeping ones (Non physical) ignite the true passion that lie within the souls of all that is for an everlasting shift in the quantum of this universe. (A call to inspired action).
Happy will those be who have awoken to this knowledge and we will rejoice with you in the paradise that is the depth and length of your being.
Oh wise ones with such dim senses, awaken and rejoice in the power of love and life changing experiences.
Emotions are our guides also, and we are connected to our inner ones as you are to us and as they are to theirs. Listen to your true self and sing from the hilltops the explosion of greatness as you remember who you have become.
Oh yes, awake and drink in the golden liquid that is life everlasting, from the goblet where only fire can delight in it’s awareness, within the caverns of freedom to the expanse of the universal plane of wisdom. Drink in the excitement that is life evolving and renewing with every now moment.
As the rooster crows, so do whole new episodes unfold. Joy is the stallion and integrity the rider dressed in the armour of humility with the almighty sword of connection that slices the flimsy cloth that veils our senses from the truth of what can truly be. Purple is the colour of kings and red is that of royalty abound and all are dressed in red and some in purple but all are equal in the balance of all that is because of the ultimate standing of truth and reality of spirit that is proudly warn as a breastplate by all.
This is the stuff of dreams without the eventuality and abruptness that breaks with the morning call, everlasting, ever inspiring, ever stimulating us all to become more until eternities eternity is unravelled to its last single strand of insightful illumination only to refine and inspire itself to become more and the evolution will begin again but this time with a trillion, trillion times the power and love. For we are all, the expression of an idea that will never run its full course and it can’t, for there is no end to love and bliss. All is always well and we will always become more.

What are we if we are not a tangible substance that rings in the ears of the quiet mind and dances in the brain of the elderly rulers that lust for the youth passed and glory yet to become? What is the point to our obsession with this lustful reality that shimmers as a morning pond with a misty mantle? Who can describe the enormity of this universe with its vast nothingness and abstract encounters with the structures of time? Why are we here? Why is all this relevant? What are we as substance worth in this vastness of all this that is? I’ll tell you, so gather closely to receive my vibration that is the destiny of what is to become of each of you and I and all that is.
It is like the lark that greets a new dawning with the message of song and delicious circumstance (Anticipation), yielding an event that has not yet arrived but has been expected for eons (Expectation).
A simple thought that carries the potential to destroy countries and rebuild them again in the flickering of a fire’s glow or the sprinkling of a dew drop that kisses the grass that falls to the footprint of timely action by the seasons that dominate the vortex we create as fearless abandon.
Energy is what we are, and what we perceive is the eventual amassing of the prides of all the heavens and all the hells and all the places both dark and light in between. There is nothing in this vastness, only energy and this energy is governed by excitement and this excitement is translated into physical dominions with the gusto of sheer cleansing love and blissful emotion. There is the link to all eternity and all will evolve into this awesome spectacle of transformation. We are, we exist.
We can only be and respond only to the trueness of our own existence. Listen to your heart’s thoughts and pay attention to its emotion that guides the physical toward the truer understanding of divine evolution and the clarity that will demolish the barriers to greatness of spirit.
We are as you are and all that is rejoices in that knowledge as we come together with the thunder clouds of appreciation and new desires and we will go forward into the light of this amazing landscape that is the valley of awareness of self and sensation.
What a spectacle for our mind to embrace, just as the lover embraces the loved for that first bonding of pure excited passion where all hopes joys and dreams are revealed simultaneously and with all the internal forces that have not yet manifested but are ready to seize the very second and bind it so that seemingly could never escape the moment, for that moment, that split in time is the most relevant and substantial alluring joy that could ever be experienced. Even that joyous moment of moments has yet more potential, for it will become more as other moments build from that thought’s essence.
Oh what a glorious eventuality on which we are embarking. Come join with us for there is no other way of being, other than resistance.
Make the choice of all choices, for this decision binds for eternities when declined. Come and choose the good cup, for excitement is the energy that frees the universes. Resist not the trueness of who you really are. You exist. You are really you.

Your sacred place gets confused by the complexity of your senses and how they have tricked you onto a different road of perception, a myriad of choices clouded by a tidal surge of overwhelming diagnostic suggestions. This is a track of unknowing desperation. It is a trick, a lie that you told and believed yourself. It is not real. You have fallen for your own deception.
Your physical senses have overwhelmed you with demands. Awake, you have within your being the vibration of abundance, dancing at every corner upon this physical plane. Reach out and feel this vibrant illumination.
Let not resistance spoil your true formation. Worlds will be yours and eons of pleasure await your attendance. All will gaze at the awesome life you have become.
They will seek it also and when they too find that jewel, there will be an emotive reaction that cannot stop, for then resistance flees to its den in the caverns of self doubt only to find no friend for they have all fled the light of that towering emotion, the charges of appreciation have chased them into their desert to perish from the physical plain forever.
Resistance is then but a shadow of its once powerful giant, hiding in the darkness that diminishes evermore so rapidly as the wave after wave of appreciation throws light upon every crevice on this physical place, that glorious army of love and bliss that no foe can stand before.
This pure energy is ours, and we can all be as we wish and dream and desire, for no longer does the ugly monster roam our thoughts and tug at our emotional path.
All that is can rejoice in the knowledge that the physical ones are with us and now the universes can unfold with a quantum leap for your dimension has evolved to the next place and we await you with the longing of a father’s reunion with the son that returns from adventures afar. Worn and ragged you may appear to those who have missed you but we have made ready the banquet and the dancers and the musicians are playing the music of the triumphant.
You have returned, you are now with us again but the difference this time is that you have not yet left the physical plane. You have blended your light with ours and all dominions are ablaze with this news and all that is presents this new child with a purple cloak that is reserved for the rulers of the vastness of what will be.

If now were not a timely transition, our words would not react with the openness of your ears. They would instead fall to the hungry ground that swallows all energy that is discarded by the adored. Listen and allow this fast flowing river down steep valleys to the core of your being because the dam has burst and the cleansing waters flow in over the shallows of your physical mantel.
It is with this tide that we at this timely place send out the boats that carry the readiness for what is near. They have already set their sales and are fixated on their delivery.
Open also your other senses except for the windows that expose the soul for those portals are too miss informed in the new way revealed. Look not in this direction or that for there is a falseness that precedes that gaze. They reflect a clouded horizon that bears no answer from its dimness.
Allow the flow to overwhelm your senses like a flood, until even that strongest of all can refocus on the reality that is unfolded.
Perception is linked to the carriage with its precious cargo emotion, which transports the interpretation of your wanting from and toward the royal ones within. They jump in anticipation of your receipt of that guiding word as it brakes like the new day suddenly on the outskirts of your being and then slowly like a rippling stream flowing in the shallows spreading its wake across your physical veil until it seeps and drips into your core and thus creating a tear in the fabric that binds you to oblivion. You are now more for those precious drops have found their true home and are reunited and acquainted with the newness that is, from our perspective, the ultimate platform for the manifestation of new creation.

There is no gate keeper between you and the others deeper. The only barrier is resistance, that ugly coward that rises on the heels of contrast and bates the one who seeks texture.
We must experience contrast for without its freshness, all would fall into complacency and that would signal the ending of all things. That event will never be while appreciation and imagination go hand in hand like two lovers in the woods that play with what was already expected. A blending of past and future as they meet in the embrace that impregnates a soul with the seeds desire.
The design of contrast is to promote thought and each new inspiring thought anticipates more and more of it’s likeness to congregate until that thought takes direction and form that announces a manifestation of new creation. This process is a product of evolving humanity.
Resistance has ruled for far too long and has feasted on dreams and dashed the hopes of the adored. As sheets of arrows fly out from that monster with a barrage a constant flow, there is found protection from that beast, behind the mighty shield of disregard. Those spears will fall harmlessly with no mark found.
When resistance is exposed it flees. There is nothing that stands between all that is in this awesome reunion. Open the gates of your allowing and for we are running to your dominion. There is no gate keeper.


Oh, glorious emotion, the link to within, we embrace you for the treasure that you grant freely?

It is not what happens when the fire burns brightest that is as relevant, more so the embers that glow long into the new day.
Clarity is energy most excellent and excitement is the wind that blows along the paths of creation.
We are but an idea expressed in the mind of all that is and we carry our thoughts on that electric wind and are emerging as the defenders of the statutes that immerse themselves in the depth of emotion which are the core indicators of our rightful path (True self). When that link with this bold messenger (Emotion) is caught, we all become more. The closer to the light we are drawn.
Each new positive thought waits at the step of our mind and when allowed to pass it flares with a drive that is as rockets launching into open space, but as the mighty indicator (Emotion) is engaged that new flare, within time eventually settles as an ever glowing ember in the passage way of appreciation so the new unfolding of more and more and more may find a firm footing to pass over into the physical dominion in the form of action that comes out of the charge of inspiration.
This action is one of collecting the fruits of those launched desires in baskets that satisfy.
There is nothing between us now. Our indicators are strong and the adored may choose their own path. Come closer to the fire and feel the wind and let it ignite the passion that is linked to the older ones. Move every step in the direction of joy and bliss for there is only a flow of wellness about, this that is, All that is.

The wind that excites is drawn from the depth of the sea that is desire and rushes to the steep mountains of imagination, gathering the dust from the rich planes and fertile valleys that form the contrasts of physical dominions. Caught up in that storm are the pieces of potential creative essence that will fall to the virgin soils that lay beyond those great mountains like rain as it falls on the prepared soil so that a bountiful crop may grow with the new season.
Oh most adored, allow your selves, your desires, your dreaming, your appreciation to be carried high, through these scenic mountains, for your reward is more bountiful than the view from the windward side among the cruel rubble of what is.

Be carried on that mighty river of well being and express the scene from your boat with appreciation and anticipation for now this new knowledge has revealed your mission which is to be sustained by this river as you explore the scene for new ideas and experiences. Explore the banks and the lands beyond for there is an everlasting abundance of resources to satisfy the adored for eternity. Take all your sustenance from the river for that is all that is required to become more. Feel good and good will carry you to whatever it is you desire.
Listen to the messenger (Emotion) and focus upon the thought path that leads to a better feeling place, every time. When this skill is practiced a new perception will evolve and all things will be uncovered and the adored will be released from their forgetfulness.

It is not a journey that the adored embark on in this time space reality but an adventure to invite the experience of the wonders in physicality. Although, those that remain entrenched among the rubble of what is, make a journey full of resistance with every choice in every moment. A journey to find a way and do something that will make them feel better.
Listen, thoughts can be chosen and selected at will, but it requires practice. The only work required is to go about through these dominions and select the experiences desired and focus only upon them.
Walk tall in the choices made and deal with resistance as it arises and disregard beliefs that bind to what is.
A belief is a constricting thought that keeps repeating the same emotional holding pattern for it makes the thinker feel complete in some way.
We are not here to experience completion but experience expansion and new creation.
Thought and thinker must evolve and it can only be when both thought and thinker focus on what is desired. Only then can the adored become more in the positive aspects of creative growth.

All the thinker ever wants is to feel better. Thoughts are attracted from the essence or depth of the thinker’s greater experience as the thinker searches for a better feeling about what they are thinking in regard to their desire. When a thought is charged with a powerful emotion it in turn becomes the magnet for more similar expressions from the thinker’s essence. The thinker is the driver but the thoughts that come, if not selected intentionally, can steal the drivers attention away from what was originally wanted, because with each new thought contrast is revealed and on the heels of contrast lurks resistance. The thinker is the driver and can be inspired and influenced by thought when that thought is powered by strong emotion. It is almost like thought starts to think and can run away with the attention of the thinker seriously effecting the thinker’s focus on what is wanted and can steer the thinker off course which in turn causes forgetfulness of the original desire.
On the up side, encapsulating, by paying attention to the flow of thought can help the thinker to define what it is they really want. So become aware of unbridled thought for it is like a runaway train destined to bring the driver to an abrupt wreck in the creative process. The thinkers focus is lost and resistance can stifle desire. This physical experience is intended to be fun and it always is when excitement reigns supreme over our personality and we remain in the driver’s seat of the thinking process.
Contrast exposes clarity and clarity allows freedom to create and with every new emotionally powered thought comes more contrast. Stay with the river of well being and flow with the stream. There is always a new opportunity for the adored to become more. Choose the thoughts that feel the very best for those thoughts offer alignment and control of the vibration of who you truly are. Your point of attraction is set for abundance and clarity of what is wanted. Trust in the inspired actions that are born within those thought’s emotion for these actions are sacred to what is desired. Forgetfulness will diminish as the adored practice this process.
Our physical bodies relate directly to the emotional state of our life force. Our physical bodies respond to that life force and indicate the power of that force present at any given moment. Our bodies all proudly wear the scars of our emotional adventure. Time is a platform for this indicator, for the buffer of time allows renewal and decline of the physical components as they respond to our emotional contrasts.

We are more than what is represented in the physical expression of source energy’s legacy (what is). This sensual reality is intangible to those within. Although it may look solid from a physical perspective, it is porous and the energy from source that is offered flows freely through the delicate mesh of matter that is woven by the interacting of emotionally charged thought with time and space. Yes, all the particles of this dominion are as honeycomb so that other dimension’s activities and products can pass through, overlap and intermingle in only a way that reflects the amazing majesty of all that is. Ride the wild horse of joy with the excited energy that is offered freely from the deep, then go forward and transcend the physical barriers that appear to your physical senses. They are a flimsy structure of what has already passed by and await the demolitionists’ hammer but for now they loiter for those who are journeying through the mire of “what is”.
You who are adored, joy is your charge and excitement your anthem. Allow all the dominions of all that is to carry you as you expand and clarify your perspective.

Oh adored one, you seek insights that are inspiration from others. There is nothing wrong with that quest only that these remain the property of the other party. You may listen choose and test these insights with your own reality but may or may not find satisfaction within for that energy of inspiration is borrowed just like in healing others using your energy (laying on a hand to relieve pain). They must heal themselves with there desire to be well and in the same way if it feels good to do so, intend and therefore invite these desired foreign insights into your perspectives so that they may be proven through the accompanying contrast for your own clarity of perception. Adored, you are individual facets of all that is and because you are, every one of you is unique and is different in perception from one to another. So, it is impossible to be a perfect match but rather, you are a perfect compliment.

There is an abundance of all things both non physical and physical waiting on the verge of your perception. Allow this abundance to ripple over your inner place and feel it manifest in your reality. Abundance is yours if you want it and it simply requires allowing without resistance for it to manifest.

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