Saturday, January 23, 2010

The jungle

It's a jungle......thick and steamy....the vegetation is dense and forbidding. There is no sign of a path or a direction in my view.
Stop.......think of the power that evolves within...think of the clear passages that unfold as I unravel my feelings. The jungle that looms at every quarter is confusion and the way through this maze is clear intention.
Clarity of desire is always the passage to follow ......there it is through the trees....I see it where the light filters brightest....I open my mind to the possibilities which broaden my path....I see more clear ground....I am safe from my own overwhelming forests that I allow to wrap me up with a blindness that hinders my gaze.
What of this salvation that frees me from the jungles of confusion? The essence that keeps my internal fire alight. What is this yearning from deep within my being? It is a quiet voice that relaxes and speaks only when all sensual energy is exhausted....all is well, is its intention, for your efforts are reflecting their sensual value.....all this focus on what is, is fruitless to your beingness. The stream that flows freely beside the jungle is always found when the confused stop thrashing about. is making a refreshing sound that lures the thirsty and promises satisfaction to the weary traveler, for they have now found a way home. Rest and refresh your enthusiasm ....your passion....your excitement, for no amount of effort can overcome the jungle you have created around yourself.
Feel the power of your own well being. Appreciate it and draw from that stream. Your directions to the next leg of your adventure are found in the feelings that are amassing in that place most precious. Ideas are waiting patiently and will spring forth from your imagination as the restrictions that cause beliefs are relinquished. Feel your way through the jungle.....branch by branch until the jungle becomes once again the illusion that it really is. There is only a jungle if you allow it to exist. It is your reality….you call it the way you want it. It’s your choice, your destiny.
The greatness that is at your heart is a place that you will learn to remember as your experience unfolds for you have me your guardian the one who is the greater you, embracing your focus with unconditional blissful and admire the future landscape now, for your jungle is but a dim memory destined to fall harmlessly back into the abyss of what is.' All that is now rejoices as your confusion is replaced by a clarity of desire and you are mounting your charge of joy once again.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Thought of the day (monkey wisdom)

Life is like a Banana....
It tastes better when you get past the skin.

missed concept causes confusion......

There is not much value to be gleaned from understanding another for that is a human confusion. The premise which is valued among all in my monkey heaven is to allow.

When a reasoning mind is engaged, seeking to be understood is a flawed concept which is based in a vibe of division and seperation. (we do that to ourselves continually....that is why we get so stuffed up and stuck!)

We are the whole, expressed from a particular vibrational vantage point, so understanding each other should not be necessary when each monkey follows their own bliss.

Here is a riddle that goes deeper than you first think!

How many monkeys does it take to change a lightbulb?
answer....all of them....and they still have not got it done.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The individuality and the wholeness of being

The individual's perspective is the focal point for the overall perspective of consciousness. These are individual focal points from which momentum is launched (by way of desire).
Thought coveys its own perspective.

So, thought being thought upon becomes perpetuated in the expression of desire to feel better about what is observed.

All thought defines and qualifies the innate intention of Well being from the perspective of the sub prime consciousness (individual perspective)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Matter recycles, while the non matter expands!

Matter recycles, while the non matter expands!

Focus makes it all relevant to our own perspectives.

The Key to all this is DESIRE.....when we run out of desire we run out of focus and then everything perceived then fades into the darkness of delusion until desire is sparked again through yet another focus.

This planet will always be, in some form or another and thus the imagination that conceived the idea in the beginning will constantly find new focus and thus ignite more desire within the complexity of the wave/stream of consciousness that expanded from that original thought.

Thought thinks! Matter is the reflection of thought thought about often.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What is reality??

Only focus on what I want, while I allow everything else to just be.

All things desired are brought to me as I focus from my unique vantage point . There is nothing outside of my perception.

All matter appears as a reflective state of vibrational perception.